Thursday, March 7, 2013


New Zealand is in the region of the world that is referred to as Oceania, islands in the South Pacific Ocean, southeast of Australia. Originated from volcanic activity on the ocean floor and located near the center of the water hemisphere. It is usually considered part of Polynesia because of its original inhabitants, the Maori. Consists of two islands, North and South (Te-Ika-a-Maui and Te Wai Pounamu in Maori) to make up the 104,000 square miles of the country, about the size of the state Colorado. New Zealand is home to the southernmost national capital in the world, Wellington. New Zealand weather and climate is of paramount importance to the people of New Zealand, as many New Zealander's make their living from the land. New Zealand has mild temperatures, moderately high rainfall, and many hours of sunshine throughout most of the country. New Zealand's climate is dominated by two main geographical features: the mountains and the seaThe climate consists of mild altitude climates, marine west coast, and warm to cool summers. The country is known for its varied landscapes of rolling foothills and rugged mountains.

North Island

Mt. Taranaki
Te-Ika-a-Maui is 43,911 square miles in area, making it the worlds 14th largest island. Consists of twelve cities with Wellington being the capital. It contains beautiful active volcanic peaks, reaching heights more than 9,100ft, with Mt. Taranaki being one of its most famous ones attracting tourists from all around the world. The island's climate is subtropical, coastal lowlands are mild and wet year round. Volcanic peaks also create their own microclimates.

South Island
Southern Alps
Te Wai Pounamu, sometimes called the "Mainland", is the largest of the two main islands with an area of 58,084 square miles. It is bordered to the north by Cook Strait, to the west by the Tasman Sea, to the south and east by the Pacific Ocean. The island is mantled by mountain glaciers and steeply sloping valleys, such as the famous Southern Alps on the western coast. The South is generally cooler than the North with seasonal Antarctic chill. Large variations of precipitation are represented all around the island creating unique landscapes like that of the Central Otago region.
Central Otago Region

Environmental Problems

New Zealand, even with all its beauty and breath taking landscapes not all is well in the country. The Oceanic country deals with many conflicts that other parts of the world deal with too; coastal pollution and greenhouse gas pollution just being some of them. A major human-induced environmental problem that affects the country is deforestation, it limits land areas, creating rapid tree loss and resulting in soil erosion. Many of the issues that happen with in the country come from natural occurrences from Pacific Rim earthquakes to tropical cyclones. Along with past European colonization and recent economic globalization that has further pressed the regions natural resource base. The government has taken plans against global warming by taxing carbon emissions especially those regarding methane emissions due to its large livestock population.

Example of deforestation in New Zealand

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