Sunday, May 5, 2013



New Zealand is a fairly wealthy country. Before the 1970s it relied heavily on exports to Great Britain, especially exports of agricultural products such as wool and butter. At the time they lacked a rich base of mineral resources to export to global markets. During the 1980s the country was in a serious recession. The country later transcended within its economy, from state ownership to private ownership, exercising the practice of privatization. As a result the country transformed into one of the most marketable countries in the world. The country is also apart of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Group (APEC), an organization designed to encourage economic development in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Basin. In 1982, New Zealand and Australia signed the Closer Economic Relations Agreement (CER), which slashed trade barriers between the two countries. Thus New Zealand benefited from the opening of larger Australian markets to New Zealand exports. Since the agreement, trade has expanded 10 percent each year. Today, more than 20 percent of New Zealand's imports and exports come from Australia. New Zealand also deals with major trade with the United States, the European Union, Japan, China, and South Korea. In 2005, World Bank praised New Zealand for being business-friendly country in the world.

Social Aspect
Fortunately New Zealand has high levels of social welfare as well as provides high-quality health care. The life expectancy is 80 year and the rates of child mortality have fallen since 1960. Cancer and heart disease are leading causes of death, alcoholism is a social problem in the country. Women participation in the workforce is high. Schooling is irregular for native people and post secondary education for Maoris is at 14 percent, and remains low. The Ministry of Social Development is a New Zealand government agency which has two main functions: providing social policy advice to the government, and providing social services. The social services consist of; care and protection of vulnerable children, income support, funding to community service, and student loans. It is New Zealand’s largest government department employing people in over 200 locations around the country.


Basic Politcal Structure

The politics of New Zealand take place in a framework of a parliamentary representative democratic monarchy. The basic system is closely patterned on that of the Westminister System, although a number of significant modifications have been made. The head of state is Queen Elizabeth II, who is represented by the Governor-General and the head of government is the Prime Minister who chairs the Cabinet drawn from an elected Parliament.

File:Coat of Arms of New Zealand.svg
Coat of Arms of New Zealand (1956-Present)
New Zealand has no formal constitution; the constitutional framework consists of a mixture of various documents, inluding the Treaty of Waitangi and constitutional conventions. The Constitution Act in 1852 established the system of government and these were later consolidated in 1986. Constitutional rights are protected under common law and are strengthened by the Bill of Rights Act 1990 and Human Rights Act 1993, can be overturned by Parliament with a simple majority. The Constitution Act describes the three branches of Government in New Zealand: The Executive (the Sovereign and Cabinet), the legislature (Parliament) and the judiciary (Courts).

New Zealand's role in the Oceania and Native Rights

New Zealand is the oldest independent state, along with Australia, created in the 20th Century (1907). Today it debates on whether they want to complete teir formal political separation from Britian. It wasn't until 1947 that formal legislative links were not broken. The country is not inclined to give up their oceanic possessions, they still control substantial territories in Polynesia, including the Cook Islands, Tokelau, and the island of Niue. New Zealand has emerged to play key political roles in the South Pacific. They often involve themselves in peace setllements when politcal and ethnic conflicts arise elsewhere in the Oceania. They also enjoy their close political and strategic relations with Australia, as well as mitlitary forces.

The country's true battle today involves the native rights of the indigenous people of New Zealand, Maori. The Maori have used the politcal process to gain more control over land and resources in the past. They constitute a far larger proportion of the overall population. Events in the past have excelled to protests that included civil disobedience and demonstrations, growing Maori land claims over much of North and South islands. Another right the Maori are fighting for is the right to return the country's name to the indigenous Aotearoa, meaning "Land of the Long White Cloud".

Above is a video when New Zealand announced that it will support the UN Declaration on the Rights of the Indigenous Peoples, April 19, 2010, a key date in history of the Maoris.

Friday, March 8, 2013


The Maori influence permeates all layers of New Zealand culture

Maori Culture

Oral history tells of a long voyage from Hawaiki (mythical homeland) in large ocean-going canoes, leading all the way to the new land of New Zealand. They expressed themselves through traditional arts and skills such as carving, weaving, and more. When the European colonists came to New Zealand approximately 200 years ago they brought religion, technology, and the English language. These sudden changes created tension between the two groups, thus the Maori established separate tribes, built fortified villages, developed agriculture, and weaponry. In 1840, Maori leaders signed the Treaty of Waitangi, intended to allow tribes to coexist peacefully with the European colonists, but unfortunately it was ignored once the land wars began in 1845. Later the Pakeha (European New Zealanders) sustained the treaty. Today New Zealand celebrates the public holiday of the signing of the treaty on February 6th. In present day New Zealand the native Maori populations are more numerically important and culturally visible. While urban living is on the rise, many Maori are committed to preserving their religion, and traditional arts. In the process Maori have adapted cultural aspects from Pakeha and vice vera. Today Maori is the official language of New Zealand, along with English. The lands culture is largely inherited from European customs, interwoven with Maori and Polynesian tradition.

Tapu means that the Whales are scared to the Maori culture

Traditions such as Maori carving, weaving and ta moko (tattoo) are still practised throughout the country

Below is a video of the world famous Haka War Dance, a traditional Maori dance, performed by New Zealand's National Rugby team, named the All Blacks. Enjoy!

Thursday, March 7, 2013


Pre-European Population and Early Days of Settlement

Polynesians, the Maori, first reached what we now know as New Zealand by 800 C.E. The actual size of the pre-European Maori population is uncertain. Captain Cook, who first visited New Zealand in 1769, estimated that there were about 100,000 Maoris, but he never visited some of the islands most populous centers. The figure of "about 50", often quoted as the European population of New Zealand in 1800. By 1815 the total of Europeans in New Zealand is believed to have been about 200. This increase reflects the expansion of trade and the growing numbers of traders settled ashore; the extension of whaling and sealing activities; and the establishment of the first mission. By the late 1830s the European population of New Zealand had risen to around 2,000. Due to the islands lush and fertile land it drew many British settlers. These new European arrivals caused tension between them and the Maori natives. In 1845 widespread Maori wars between the British broke out until 1870, with the British victorious and the Maori losing most of their land. 

Kupe is said to be the first Polynesian explorer to discover New Zealand. He then returned to his ancestral homeland, Hawaiki.

First Polynesian inhabitants arrive from Cook and Society Islands
Today the total population has risen to 4.3 million and the Maoris, once considered to be a dying race, have a rate of natural increase twice that of the European population. Anglo-European migration has structured the distribution and concentration of contemporary populations. New Zealand is highly urbanized, most of the urban transformation came during the 20th Century, as the rural economy became less labor intensive and as opportunities for urban manufacturing and service employment increased. Past immigration movements are present in how the island scene is, with the majority of agricultural land devoted to livestock production, particularly sheep and cattle. The livestock outnumber people in New Zealand by a ratio of more than 20 to 1. Majority of its population are located in the middle latitudes rather than the tropics. More than 70 percent of the population lives on the North Island, with the Auckland region (1.1 million) dominating the metropolitan scene in the north. 80 percent of the population live in cities. Population issues that the residents face today are that their communities see many of their young people and professional leave for better employment and opportunities of the city.


New Zealand is in the region of the world that is referred to as Oceania, islands in the South Pacific Ocean, southeast of Australia. Originated from volcanic activity on the ocean floor and located near the center of the water hemisphere. It is usually considered part of Polynesia because of its original inhabitants, the Maori. Consists of two islands, North and South (Te-Ika-a-Maui and Te Wai Pounamu in Maori) to make up the 104,000 square miles of the country, about the size of the state Colorado. New Zealand is home to the southernmost national capital in the world, Wellington. New Zealand weather and climate is of paramount importance to the people of New Zealand, as many New Zealander's make their living from the land. New Zealand has mild temperatures, moderately high rainfall, and many hours of sunshine throughout most of the country. New Zealand's climate is dominated by two main geographical features: the mountains and the seaThe climate consists of mild altitude climates, marine west coast, and warm to cool summers. The country is known for its varied landscapes of rolling foothills and rugged mountains.

North Island

Mt. Taranaki
Te-Ika-a-Maui is 43,911 square miles in area, making it the worlds 14th largest island. Consists of twelve cities with Wellington being the capital. It contains beautiful active volcanic peaks, reaching heights more than 9,100ft, with Mt. Taranaki being one of its most famous ones attracting tourists from all around the world. The island's climate is subtropical, coastal lowlands are mild and wet year round. Volcanic peaks also create their own microclimates.

South Island
Southern Alps
Te Wai Pounamu, sometimes called the "Mainland", is the largest of the two main islands with an area of 58,084 square miles. It is bordered to the north by Cook Strait, to the west by the Tasman Sea, to the south and east by the Pacific Ocean. The island is mantled by mountain glaciers and steeply sloping valleys, such as the famous Southern Alps on the western coast. The South is generally cooler than the North with seasonal Antarctic chill. Large variations of precipitation are represented all around the island creating unique landscapes like that of the Central Otago region.
Central Otago Region

Environmental Problems

New Zealand, even with all its beauty and breath taking landscapes not all is well in the country. The Oceanic country deals with many conflicts that other parts of the world deal with too; coastal pollution and greenhouse gas pollution just being some of them. A major human-induced environmental problem that affects the country is deforestation, it limits land areas, creating rapid tree loss and resulting in soil erosion. Many of the issues that happen with in the country come from natural occurrences from Pacific Rim earthquakes to tropical cyclones. Along with past European colonization and recent economic globalization that has further pressed the regions natural resource base. The government has taken plans against global warming by taxing carbon emissions especially those regarding methane emissions due to its large livestock population.

Example of deforestation in New Zealand